Hybrid Chrome’s | Bremadent Dental Laboratory in London
'Hybrid Chrome Partials' is a 'New' combination of 'Removable Partials' that incorporates the accuracy, strength and durability of 'Cobalt Chrome' and the inconspicuous aesthetics and flexibility of 'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' and is used as an alternative for acrylic partial dentures and 'Cobalt Chrome Dentures' where 'Aesthetics' is optimum and no metal clasps should be visible.
'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' have a unique clasping system, the 'Flexible Clasps' are translucent with natural gingival shades and provides 'Retention' and 'Reciprocation' that blend in naturally with gingiva.
'Cobalt Chrome' is the gold standard in 'Removable Prosthetics' for its yield and tensile strength, durability, accuracy with various non-invasive 'Major Connector' designs and is used with acrylics and now 'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' for the 'Small Connectors'.
'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' and 'Cobalt Chrome Partials' are both 'Thin', 'Comfortable' and 'East To Adapt To' and with a combination of both, it adds 'Flexibility', 'Aesthetics', 'Strength and Durability' with 'Accuracy'.
Technical Features:
'Valplast® Flexible Partials' are nylon based and 100% monomer free, the major connectors have a uniform thickness of 1.5mm, which allows for flexibility. The 'Flexible Clasps' are 1mm above the gingival necks of the clasped teeth for aesthetics with 6 translucent gingival shades available. 'Flexible Clasps' are 1mm interdentally between the adjacent tooth and clasped tooth, which provides accurate retention and reciprocation. There is 0.5mm of relief around the periphery, clasps and small connectors. The major connector is designed to seat on the cingulum areas and acts like an occulsal rest. All 'Valplast® Flexible Partials' and 'Flexible Clasps' are surveyed for path of insertion.
'Cobalt Chrome Partials' (CoCr) are bio-compatible with a high properties in yield and tensile strength. The 'Major Connectors' are traditionally designed with minimizing risk of damage to the adjacent teeth and periodontum.'Cobalt Chrome Partials' have a minimum thickness of 1.8mm and have similar properties to 'Type III Gold'.
All 'Cobalt Chrome Partials' and 'Valplast® Flexible Partials' are surveyed for a simple path of insertion.
'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' have a unique clasping system, the 'Flexible Clasps' are translucent with natural gingival shades and provides 'Retention' and 'Reciprocation' that blend in naturally with gingiva.
'Cobalt Chrome' is the gold standard in 'Removable Prosthetics' for its yield and tensile strength, durability, accuracy with various non-invasive 'Major Connector' designs and is used with acrylics and now 'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' for the 'Small Connectors'.
'Valplast® Flexible Clasps' and 'Cobalt Chrome Partials' are both 'Thin', 'Comfortable' and 'East To Adapt To' and with a combination of both, it adds 'Flexibility', 'Aesthetics', 'Strength and Durability' with 'Accuracy'.
Technical Features:
'Valplast® Flexible Partials' are nylon based and 100% monomer free, the major connectors have a uniform thickness of 1.5mm, which allows for flexibility. The 'Flexible Clasps' are 1mm above the gingival necks of the clasped teeth for aesthetics with 6 translucent gingival shades available. 'Flexible Clasps' are 1mm interdentally between the adjacent tooth and clasped tooth, which provides accurate retention and reciprocation. There is 0.5mm of relief around the periphery, clasps and small connectors. The major connector is designed to seat on the cingulum areas and acts like an occulsal rest. All 'Valplast® Flexible Partials' and 'Flexible Clasps' are surveyed for path of insertion.
'Cobalt Chrome Partials' (CoCr) are bio-compatible with a high properties in yield and tensile strength. The 'Major Connectors' are traditionally designed with minimizing risk of damage to the adjacent teeth and periodontum.'Cobalt Chrome Partials' have a minimum thickness of 1.8mm and have similar properties to 'Type III Gold'.
All 'Cobalt Chrome Partials' and 'Valplast® Flexible Partials' are surveyed for a simple path of insertion.